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Healthy Places

Decision makers, the public sector, the private sector, 以及当地社区都能从将健康生活置于“场所营造”的核心中受益.

By Marcus Wilshere


July 9, 2020

持续的冠状病毒大流行引起了公众对公共卫生的关注,并突显了城市规划的这一基本方面是如何被忽视太久的. 具有一定讽刺意味的是,公共卫生在最近的规划和发展中被边缘化了. 我们应该记住公共卫生在19世纪的根本影响th century planning and its responses to contagion and hygiene.

我们需要一种超越专业医疗大楼的健康方法, 这也适用于新住宅和新社区的研究证据. Most of all, 我们需要关注场所的设计如何影响市民的健康, 我提出了一个公民健康和幸福的框架或维度.

In the UK, and many other developed countries, 太多正在建设的开发项目确实会让人生病. These include: 

  • 以较低密度设计但依赖于集中设施的住房开发项目, 这减少了传统上步行的短途旅行数量,增加了对私家车的依赖.
  • Social isolation of young elderly and carers, 导致更差的健康结果与孤独感的增加有关.
  • Social isolation of elderly in ‘grey ghettos’, away from established support networks of family and friends.
  • 住房质量差,缺乏良好的空气、光线和空间,尤其是外部空间. Cost to UK of poor housing is estimated at £1.4B per year.
  • Poor air quality, especially alongside distributor roads (estimated 40,000 deaths per year from air pollution in the UK).
  • 没有足够的绿地、接触自然、运动和积极的娱乐活动.
  • 饮食不良,获取新鲜食物的渠道不足,过度依赖快速和深加工食品.
  • Centralised healthcare accessed via longer journeys.
  • Isolation from learning and employment opportunities, 导致较差的经济结果与较差的健康结果相关联.

Sources: Health Inequality in England: the Marmot Review 10 Years On (2020); Transport for New Homes (2018)

The objective of healthier places is to have healthier people. 这不仅意味着帮助那些有公认健康状况的人, 而是帮助目前健康的人更长寿,更长寿.

The relationship between the healthy citizen, their urban environment, 他们接受的支持性护理和卫生服务可以提炼为六个健康场所的维度:

  • Active 在思想,身体和精神上,鼓励身体和精神锻炼作为我们日常生活的一部分. This includes active travel like walking and cycling, as well as sport and recreational activity such as gardening. 精神刺激也很重要——从学习和技能到工作(有偿和自愿)。.
  • Sustained 通过空气、食物、水和光健康身体的需求. 健康的人还需要通过奖励就业在经济上得到维持.
  • Independent 为了“原地变老”,并与我们的朋友和家人保持联系.
  • Supported through health and social care, education and training, multi-cultural spiritual support and financial services.
  • Sociable to support mankind’s natural desires for company. Places that offer opportunities for safe social interaction, and reduce feelings of loneliness and alienation. Places for casual meetings, shared spaces and layered interfaces, 间隙空间和阈值创造了支持不同规模互动的社交范围, from strangers to family members.
  • Empowered to make decisions, and participate economically, 在我们接受的护理和影响我们社区的决定中, so that our contribution to society can make a difference. 健康的场所也能激发志愿服务和相互支持, and combat social exclusion, prejudice and fear.

这些见解适用于不同规模和不同客户群体的广泛项目. 它们当然不仅仅局限于医疗保健行业的项目——它们应该在基本层面上为住房和混合用途开发项目的场所制定提供信息.

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